Implementing Paging With PnP Pagination Control


Paging is a nice way to get faster access to data as well as give a nice user experience to browse through huge data. While working with SharePoint lists and libraries having a huge number of items or documents paging makes the navigation through data easy.

In this article, we will explore using the PnP Control for paging (Pagination Control) to navigate from a large list.

Develop SPFx Solution

We will develop the SPFx web part as shown below:

In the solution, create a model at src\webparts\pnPPagination\models\ISPItem.ts to represent a SharePoint list item.

export interface ISPItem {
    title: string;
    description: string;

In the web part, implement a method to read SharePoint list items. For simplicity, I am using a mock method to return dummy list items. I used the website Generate Random CSV to generate some random text for our list data.

public getSPListItems(): ISPItem[] {
    const spItems: ISPItem[] = [
        { title: "stove", description: "completely" },
        { title: "rich", description: "know" },
        { title: "composed", description: "explain" },
        { title: "said", description: "simply" },
        { title: "sum", description: "bear" },
        { title: "bowl", description: "exclaimed" },
        { title: "help", description: "drive" },
        { title: "pie", description: "wore" },
        { title: "grade", description: "saw" },
        { title: "butter", description: "personal" },
        { title: "family", description: "being" },
        { title: "occur", description: "gather" },
        { title: "push", description: "industry" },
        { title: "earth", description: "wooden" },
        { title: "went", description: "able" },
        { title: "milk", description: "divide" },
        { title: "art", description: "truck" },
        { title: "arrive", description: "step" },
        { title: "taught", description: "throat" },
        { title: "connected", description: "went" },
        { title: "charge", description: "meet" },
        { title: "having", description: "attached" },
        { title: "expression", description: "sit" },
        { title: "dear", description: "cattle" },
        { title: "closely", description: "immediately" },
        { title: "those", description: "skin" },
        { title: "shore", description: "lake" },
        { title: "meant", description: "answer" },
        { title: "down", description: "correctly" },
        { title: "pair", description: "equipment" },
        { title: "deal", description: "blanket" },
        { title: "garage", description: "hay" },
        { title: "cattle", description: "view" },
        { title: "heavy", description: "moving" },
        { title: "throat", description: "locate" },
        { title: "motor", description: "serve" },
        { title: "gun", description: "alone" },
        { title: "situation", description: "far" },
        { title: "worse", description: "general" },
        { title: "until", description: "globe" },
        { title: "tent", description: "pile" },
        { title: "dot", description: "naturally" },
        { title: "theory", description: "score" },
        { title: "dinner", description: "underline" },
        { title: "solid", description: "gain" },
        { title: "allow", description: "region" },
        { title: "joined", description: "vowel" },
        { title: "form", description: "as" },
        { title: "any", description: "swung" },
        { title: "excited", description: "shine" },
        { title: "enter", description: "dirty" },
        { title: "pile", description: "supply" },
        { title: "piano", description: "help" }

    return spItems;

Define a State

Let us define a state to store all items.

import { ISPItem } from '../models/ISPItem';

export interface IPnPPaginationState {
    allItems: ISPItem[];
    paginatedItems: ISPItem[]; 

Update the render method to display the list items.

public render(): React.ReactElement<IPnPPaginationProps> {
    return (
      <div className={styles.pnPPagination}>
        <div className={styles.container}>
          <div className={styles.row}>

The result will be displayed as follows:

Paging with PnP Pagination Control

Install @pnp/spfx-controls-react

Now let us implement the paging with PnP pagination control. Run the below command to install PnP Controls in the solution:

npm install @pnp/spfx-controls-react --save --save-exact

Update state

Update the state to include paginated items.

import { ISPItem } from '../models/ISPItem';

exportinterfaceIPnPPaginationState {
    allItems: ISPItem[];
    paginatedItems: ISPItem[];

Use PnP pagination control

Import the pagination control to React component as follows:

import { Pagination } from '@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/pagination';

Add the pagination control in the render method as follows:

public render(): React.ReactElement<IPnPPaginationProps> {
    return (
      <div className={styles.pnPPagination}>
        <div className={styles.container}>
          <div className={styles.row}>
              totalPages={(this.state.allItems.length / pageSize) - 1}
              onChange={(page) => this._getPage(page)}

The selected page in the Pagination control can be retrieved with below method:

private _getPage(page: number) {
    // round a number up to the next largest integer.
    const roundupPage = Math.ceil(page);

      paginatedItems: this.state.allItems.slice(roundupPage * pageSize, (roundupPage * pageSize) + pageSize)

Update the componentDidMount method to show first set of paginated items with pageSize as 5.

public componentDidMount(): void {
    const items: ISPItem[] = this.getSPListItems();
    this.setState({ allItems: items, paginatedItems: items.slice(0, pageSize) });

The End Result

When deployed, the web part works as below:


Paging is a nicer way to present large data. PnP Control for paging (Pagination Control) is a flexible control to implement paging in an easy way.

Code Download

The SPFx code developed for this article can be found here.
