Install Windows Server Backup Feature In Windows Server 2016

Install Windows Server Backup Feature In Windows Server 2016 

This can be done in two ways, using PowerShell and Server Manager.
Windows Server Backup is a feature and not a role.
I will show you how to do this, using PowerShell as well as a Server Manager.

Installing Windows Server Backup using PowerShell

Installing this feature, using PowerShell is the easiest way to do it. To install Windows Server Backup, using PowerShell; you need to open PowerShell and type
PS C:\> Get-WindowsFeature Windows-Server-Backup
Once you run this command, you can see the Install-State, if it says available; it means the Windows Server backup feature is available for the installation.
Now, to install this, run the command given below.
PS C:\> Install-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Server-Backup
This will install the Windows Server Backup feature on your Windows Server 2016. Once it has been installed, you can run the Get-WindowsFeature command again to verify, if it's Install State. As you can see above, it says “Installed”.

Installing Windows Server Backup using Server Manager

This is just the other way of installing the Windows Server Backup feature. If you like to do it, using Server Manager; you just need to follow the steps given below.
Go to Server Manager —> Click Add roles and features.
Select Installation Type —> Click Next.
Select the Server —> Click Next—> Select Windows Server Backup —> Click Next.
The installation process begins and it will install Windows Server Backup feature in your Windows Server 2016.
In my next article, I will show you how to configure Windows Server Backup.

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