If you come from a C++ or Java background to C#, no wonder that you will notice some strange keywords introduced to this new language.
The first reaction will be What are these things for, and why were they added?
In particular, till now, people have been able to develop programs using the existing languages without problems. Among the set of new keywords added to C#, there are new and override modifiers
Although new may not seem that new to you, its usage as a method modifier is completely new.
What is the new modifier in C#?
Similarly to C++, C# allows the redefinition of inherited methods in the derived classes at the cost of hiding the inherited ones.
Although hiding is not an error, it does cause the compiler to issue a warning. To suppress this warning, you have to include the new modifier in the derived method.
The real benefit of this feature is to be sure that you intentionally want to hide the base method and that this did not happen by accident or misspelling.
Conversely, if you declare a method as new and it does not really hide a base method, the compiler will also issue a warning that can be suppressed by removing the new modifier.
public class BaseHello
public void SayHello()
System.Console.WriteLine("Base says hello");
public class DerivedHello : BaseHello
public new void SayHello()
System.Console.WriteLine("Derived says hello");
The preceding code will compile fine, but the compiler warns you that the method derivedHello.sayHello() hides the method baseHello.sayHello() :
warning CS0114: 'derivedHello.sayHello()' hides inherited member 'baseHello.sayHello()'. To make the current method override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise, add the new keyword. As the warning suggests it is preferable to use new like the following.
class DerivedHello: BaseHello
new public void SayHello()
System.Console.WriteLine("Derived says hello");
What is the override modifier?
As you certainly know, every object-oriented language implements polymorphism which is summarized by having multiple implementations for the same interface.
While all methods in Java are virtual by default, C++ and C# require clearly defining a method as virtual by using a virtual modifier in C++ and C# or abstract modifier in C# only (abstract is equivalent to pure virtual in C++. virtual type methodName(some params) = 0; )
In order to give a different version for the same method, it suffices to derive the base class and redefine the virtual method using the same name and signature but with a different body, plus the override modifier. This may seem annoying at the beginning, especially since C++ and Java developers did not have to do that. However, experience with large projects has shown that lots of runtime problems occur when some modifications are needed in the virtual base method signature, which necessarily requires the same modification in all the derived classes that give their own version. Look at this Java example.
public class BaseHello {
public void sayHello() {
System.out.println("BaseHello says HELLO");
public class DerivedHello extends BaseHello {
public void sayHello() {
System.out.println("DerivedHello says HELLO");
In the above example, the class derivedHello inherits and redefines the method sayHello() from baseHello class.
Now suppose that at some time in the project, the designer finds out that the sayHello() method should take a String parameter. The change in the baseHello will be as follows.
public class baseHello {
public void sayHello(String name) {
System.out.println("baseHello says HELLO to " + name);
Now the base class is modified, and still, the hard work to do is to modify all the derived classes that could be in dozens. Failing to modify one derived class will result in behavior different than expected, as the following code will show.
public class TestHello {
public static void print(baseHello hello) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
baseHello baseH = new baseHello();
derivedHello derivedH = new derivedHello();
Running the TestHello class will result in two identical strings.
![testhello output]()
The reason is that you failed to change the derivedHello class to conform to the baseHello class, so the latter is used when hello.sayHell("TestHello") is called.
Because the Java compiler does not have any idea that the sayHello() in the derived class is intended to override the sayHello(String name) in the base class, it does not complain about it and considers it as a new method defined only in the derived class.
After exposing the problem, here is what C# offers to solve the problem. Every method that must override a virtual base method must be declared with an override modifier. The same example applied to C# becomes.
using System;
public class BaseHello
virtual public void SayHello(string name)
Console.WriteLine("BaseHello says hello to {0}", name);
public class DerivedHello : BaseHello
override public void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine("DerivedHello says hello");
The compilation of the example will result in the following error.
error CS0115:'DerivedHello.sayHello()': no suitable method found to override.
Telling the method sayHello() in DerivedHello, which is intended to override sayHello(String name) in BaseHello, has a different signature than its base method.
In such a way, no matter how many times a class is derived, it is always possible to detect differences in method names and signatures at compile time.
As a conclusion, you have noticed that new and override modifiers have a key role in preventing runtime flaws and sparing hours of debugging.