Provision Of SQL Server And Connect By RM In Azure


  • An active Azure subscription.

Steps to create SQL VM from Azure

Step 1

Login to your Azure portal.

Step 2

Click New->Compute->SQL Server 2016 SP1 Enterprise Windows Server 2016.


Step 3

Resource Manager is the recommended deployment model for VM’s. Click-> Create.


Step 4

Now, we have to configure the basic settings. Enter a virtual machine name & it must be unique. Specify the user name for VM & provide a password for it.

Step 5

In the resource group dialog box, type the desired name for a new resource group & click OK.


Step 6

Choose a virtual machine disk size of your own. (Since I have selected on my own), select OK. 


Step 7 

From settings dialog box, click yes in storage of managed disks.


Step 8

From SQL Server settings, we need to configure specific settings and optimizations for SQL Server. Under SQL connectivity, we need to specify the type of access. It is as per your wish. I have selected Public to allow connections to SQL Server from machines for my convenience. The configuration of firewall and the network security group is required to allow traffic on port 1433 is automatically configured & you can change the port as per your wish. Now we need to enable SQL Server authentication mode.

From storage configuration, we can select storage optimization as general or for some other purposes like transaction processing & enabling the advanced analytics. Click OK.

Enable the advanced analytics in R-services and we can provide a platform for developing & deploying intelligent Applications.

Step 9

Click OK on summary validation dialog box.

Step 10

VM is created and its icon appears on the dashboard. At the top of Virtual machine blade, click Connect. You will get a downloaded RDP file for VM. Open RDP file.


Step 11

Login into VM by entering the user name and password provided in the basics configuration.


Now, we can be log into VM.

Step 12

After login to VM, click Start->wf.msc and enter.


Step 13

Windows Firewall with an Advanced Security Window will appear. In the left pane, right-click Inbound rules and click new rule in the action pane.


Step 14

From the new inbound rule dialog box, under rule type-> select Port and click Next.


Step 15

From the Protocol & Ports dialog box, select &use TCP. In Specific local ports box, type the port number of the instance of the database engine 1433, click Next.


Step 16

From action dialog box, select allow the connection followed by clicking Next.


Step 17

From the Profile dialog box, select Public, Private & Domain. Click Next.


Step 18

In the name dialog box, type a name & description. For this rule, click Finish.


Step 19

In the virtual machine, click Start-> SQL Server Configuration Manager.


Step 20

In SQL Server Configuration Manager Window, expand (right click) SQL Server network configuration.

Step 21

Click Restart to restart the Server.

In my next article, I will explain how to configure SQL Server with mixed mode authority & creating SQL Server authority rights with network configurtion by connecting to SQL Server via DNS label. Thanks for reading.