Publish Your Bot to Microsoft Azure

If you have not read my previous articles, I highly recommend reading these before proceeding further:

In my previous article, I demonstrated How to build a Bot. In this article, you will learn how to publish your Bot to Microsoft Azure.
Once you are done creating a bot then you need to publish that on Microsoft Azure. First you need Microsoft Azure subscription.
You can get a free trial from here:
Right click on solution and click Publish.
Click Microsoft Azure App Service.
Click on New and enter credentials.
Enter API name and keep that by default and select subscription type and click create.
On publish web window you can see site name and destination URL and click Publish.
Finally, you can see your published application. You can see your BOT application published on Microsoft Azure.
In this article, you have learnt how to publish your bot to Microsoft Azure. If you have any question or comments, post a comment in C# Corner comments section.

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