Save A List As A Template In SharePoint 2010

For creating a list, you can refer to my previous article on SharePoint,

Assuming that you have created a list referrin to the above article, I would be adding columns to the list.

Adding columns to the list:

There are two ways for adding columns to the list.

Option 1:


Option 2:

Goto list setting

Create column

enter columl name

List is created with two columns. “Title” is added by default and “Name” was added by us.


Saving the list as template

Once the list is created, click on List Settings and click “Save list as template” under Permissions and management section.

List Settings

Save list as template

Fill out the information as shown below:

Check Include Content if you want to include items which are in the list or else leave it unchecked.

Check Include Content

You will get the success message after which you can choose to browse list template gallery or click OK.

Click ok

If you click OK, you are redirected to the List Settings page.

If you click List Template Gallery:

list template gallery

After clicking on “DemoListTemplate”, notice the “.stp” file extension. You can save this and use it in another site collection.


Deleting the template

If you no longer need the list template then you can free up the server space by deleting them as shown below.

Click Site Actions, List templates, select the list and then click Delete Document

site setting

List template

delete document

Creating a list from the Template

Click Site Actions, then More Options.

More Options

Select “DemoListTemplate” and create a new list using this template.


This will create a new list based on the template of DemoListTemplate.

The new list is created and has the columns of Title and Name.

Title and Name

In this example, I took two columns only for the sake of simplicity. However, imagine if there are more than 100 columns, how irritating or time consuming it would be to create a list with more than 100 columns every time whenever required.

That’s it! This is how we create a custom list template in SharePoint 2010 and then use it to create a new list. This is very helpful and acts as a time saver.

Note: I have used SharePoint 2010 for this example.

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