SQL's Choose Function


In some cases, using the CASE statement can lead to numerous conditions. You may agree; these multiple conditions will look extensive and lengthy in some situations. Moreover, it can be challenging to maintain because of its complexity.

In this post, we'll explore the SQL CHOOSE function. It helps developers have a better alternative to the CASE statement when simplifying lengthy conditions.

What's CHOOSE Function in SQL Server?

  • Introduced in SQL Server 2012
  • A function returns a specific value from a list based on its number index.
  • It looks like an array, but the index starts from 1.




This is the element's position we seek in the output. Remember that SQL CHOOSE doesn't use a zero-based index strategy (meaning the first item starts with 1). If the index is not an integer, SQL converts it to an integer; otherwise, it returns NULL.


It is a comma-separated list of any data type. Returns an item based on the index specified in the first(index) parameter.

Example 1. Item index starts at 1

--Let's just say we wanted to list our favorite programming languages 

--output: JavaScript
SELECT CHOOSE (1, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: Python
SELECT CHOOSE (2, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C#
SELECT CHOOSE (3, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C++
SELECT CHOOSE (4, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C
SELECT CHOOSE (5, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'


SQL's CHOOSE Function

Example 2. When CHOOSE Function Returns NULL

--output: NULL
SELECT CHOOSE (0, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'

--output: NULL
SELECT CHOOSE (6, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'


SQL's CHOOSE Function

If we have passed the index outside the value list range, you'll get NULL as the return value.

Example 3. Using Float or Decimal as Index Values

--output: NULL
SELECT CHOOSE (0.10, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: JavaScript
SELECT CHOOSE (1.10, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: Python
SELECT CHOOSE (2.23, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C#
SELECT CHOOSE (3.9923423, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C++
SELECT CHOOSE (4.7412122, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C
SELECT CHOOSE (5, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: NULL
SELECT CHOOSE (6.636, 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'


SQL's CHOOSE Function

In our example above, we have seen that once we have passed a float or decimal data type, the value is implicitly converted into an integer as long as it's not int. We'll have the same output as from the first two examples.

Example 4. Using String as Index-values

In this section, you'll see that we can still pass a string with an integer value.

Let's see an example below.

--Let's just say we wanted to list our favorite programming languages 
-- This time around, we'll use string but with a correct integer index
--output: JavaScript
SELECT CHOOSE ('1', 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: Python
SELECT CHOOSE ('2', 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C#
SELECT CHOOSE ('3', 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C++
SELECT CHOOSE ('4', 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: C
SELECT CHOOSE ('5', 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'


SQL's CHOOSE Function

However, if we pass a non-integer value like an alphanumeric value or decimal value, it will throw an exception.

Let's see an example below.

--output: exception
SELECT CHOOSE ('One', 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'
--output: exception
SELECT CHOOSE ('1.15', 'JavaScript','Python', 'C#', 'C++', 'C') as 'Programming Language'


SQL's CHOOSE Function

Example 5. Using SQL CHOOSE in a SELECT Statements

This time, we'll be using the AdventureWorks database and trying to see the employees' birth months. By the way, we'll be using two tables [HumanResources].[Employee] and [Person].[Person] for us to get the names of the employees and show the birth months.

Let's see the example below.

    FORMATMESSAGE('%s, %s %s',
                    ISNULL(P.[MiddleName], '')) AS  [FullName],
    CHOOSE(MONTH(E.[BirthDate]),  'Jan.', 
                                'Dec.') as [Birth Month]
  [AdventureWorks2019].[HumanResources].[Employee] E
  INNER JOIN [Person].[Person] P ON 
  E.[BusinessEntityID] = P.[BusinessEntityID]




In this article, we have discussed the following:

  • What's CHOOSE Function?

  • Syntax

  • Examples

    • Item index starts at 1

    • When CHOOSE Function Returns NULL

    • Using Float or Decimal as Index Values

    • Using String as Index-values

    • Using CHOOSE in a SELECT Statements

Once again, I hope you have enjoyed reading this article/tutorial as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Stay tuned for more. Until next time, happy programming!

Please don't forget to bookmark, like, and comment. Cheers! And Thank you!

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