Store Humidity And Temperature Data In Real-Time Database Through Raspberry-Pi


This article demonstrates how to store sensor data on the Firebase real-time database through Raspberry Pi.

Real-Time Database

  • Store and synchronize data with NoSQL cloud DB. 
  • Data is synced across all clients in real-time
  • NoSQL databases are increasingly used in big data and real-time web applications.
  • The Firebase real-time database is a cloud-hosted database.
  • Data is stored as JSON
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Firebase account (Google Account) 
  • DHT 11
  • Putty 
Step 1
Login to your Firebase account (, then go to the Firebase console application.
Create a new project and fill in the necessary details.
Step 2
  • Next, go to select Develop and then click on Database in your project. 
  • After that, the Database appears and select the "Real-time Database Get Started" button. 
Step 3
Next, go to rules >> change rules. Just replace that with the following code.
Default Rules
  1. // require authentication  
  2. {  
  3.   "rules": {  
  4.     ".read""auth != null",  
  5.     ".write""auth != null"  
  6.   }  
  7. }  
Change to these rules
This is for the first test. Anyone can read and write your database without authentication. 
  1. // Not require authentication  
  2. {  
  3.   "rules": {  
  4.     ".read"true ,  
  5.     ".write"true  
  6.   }  
  7. }  
  • Apply the above code to Firebase rule, then click the publish button to deploy the rules. After the rules are published anyone can read and write to your data.
  • Go to database >> real-time database >> data
""  This link is used to access our RT database. Click add icon then you can create your own data. This link is used to communicate between Python and Firebase RT.
Step 4
We use the DHT 11 sensor. Send the temperature and humidity data to firebase. Python code uses a putty tool to access the Raspberry Pi remote connection.
Refer to my articles 
Wiring Diagram 
Step 5
Open the python IDE, File >> New. Save the name as, then follow the given code. 
  1. import urllib2, urllib, httplib  
  2. import json  
  3. import os   
  4. from functools import partial  
  6. GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)  
  7. GPIO.cleanup()  
  8. GPIO.setwarnings(False)  
  10. sensor = Adafruit_DHT.DHT11  
  11. pin = 4  
  12. humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin)  
  14. firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(''None)  
  17. def update_firebase():  
  19.     humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin)  
  20.     if humidity is not None and temperature is not None:  
  21.         sleep(5)  
  22.         str_temp = ' {0:0.2f} *C '.format(temperature)    
  23.         str_hum  = ' {0:0.2f} %'.format(humidity)  
  24.         print('Temp={0:0.1f}*C  Humidity={1:0.1f}%'.format(temperature, humidity))    
  26.     else:  
  27.         print('Failed to get reading. Try again!')    
  28.         sleep(10)  
  30.     data = {"temp": temperature, "humidity": humidity}  
  31.'/sensor/dht', data)  
  34. while True:  
  35.         update_firebase()  
  37.         #sleepTime = int(sleepTime)  
  38.         sleep(5)  
Next, we need to update the Raspberry Pi. So, install the latest packages. 
  1. sudo apt-get update    
  2. sudo apt-get upgrade    
  3. sudo apt-get install python3    
Run the program.
  1. sudo python python-fire/  
Console Output
Firebase Output 


In this article, you learned how to send IOT data to Firebase.
If you have any questions/ feedback/ issues, please write in the comment box.