TDD (Test Driven Development) Using MSTest


TDD is a simple testing methodology for developers to make sure their code won’t break.
As its name - Test Driven Development - suggests, developers need to write test cases first, which should lead to development without any errors.
Below is a simple flow chart for TDD,
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
We will see a calculator example using MS Test Framework.


Develop the calculator to take N number of inputs and provide the result.
We will do this above requirement with the TDD approach.
From Visual Studio create 2 projects:
  • Create test project with MS Test (uses .Net Core) with name “Calculator.Test”
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest 
  • Create empty class library “Calculator”
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest 
  • After creating a project your solution explorer looks like below
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
Now start writing test cases in Test Project. Create class with CalciTest.cs
In CalciTest class create Test method as below,
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
Inside CalculatorTestAdd, create Calci class instance. Then it will show compile error. Click on bulb symbol and click on “Generate new type”
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
On clicking “Generate new type” you will get “Generate Type” pop up window, and fill the info like below to Auto generate the Calci class.
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
  1. Provide the access modifier as per the requirement.
  2. Select Class, as we are writing unit test case for class
  3. Select Project, i.e. Assembly where we want to add the class
  4. Select Create new file as we are creating class first time
  5. Click OK
after this Calci class will be Auto Generated in Calculator Project.
Now in test cases, call method that we want to implement with parameters like below, and click on “Generate Method ‘Calci.Add’” for auto generation of Add method
After clicking on “Generate Method ‘Calci.Add’” Add method will auto generate in Calci.cs file.
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
After this code builds successfully, then execute the test in test explorer. Test will fail as below stating that:
“Test method Calculator.Tests.CalciTest.CalculatorTestAdd threw exception: System.NotImplementedException”
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
Fix this issue like below and execute again
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
What we did above was:
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
This test become passed,
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
Does this test have enough inputs meet all our requirement? No, because we need to give any number of inputs to methods.
Now try with 3 parameters,
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
For this, again the code won’t compile and again it asks us to create a new method with 3 parameters with the same name; i.e. method overloading concept which  we need to follow, if we want make the code compile. 
If we follow method overloading here, we need to keep on writing the N number of methods with N number of inputs; i.e. nightmare.
So we need to refactor our code like below to support any number of inputs
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
What we dis above was:
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
Now execute the test and test cases will pass
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
Let me add one more test with 0 inputs and execute the test.
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest
With 3 possibilities I believe, I handled the requirement well. If it still has to improve please download zipped source and give it a try by fixing and refactoring code.
What I did above was,
TDD (Test Driven development) using MSTest


I showed you the TDD approach with very simple examples. I hope it helps.

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