ViewComponent In ASP.NET Core

What is a ViewComponent?

ViewComponent was introduced in ASP.NET Core MVC. It can do everything that a partial view can and can do even more. ViewComponents are completely self-contained objects that consistently render HTML from a razor view. ViewComponents are very powerful UI building blocks of the areas of application that are not directly accessible for controller actions. Let's suppose we have a page of social icons and we display icons dynamically. We have separate settings for color, URLs, and names of social icons and we have to render icons dynamically.

Previously this kind of thing was achieved by HtmlHelpers and child actions but now it is very easy to use ViewComponent for this purpose. It is very easy to create your dynamic elements in a ViewCompnent and render them in a view.

Creating a ViewComponent

Step 1. Create a new ASP.NET Core MVC application and run that application. You can see an empty page like the following.


Step 2. We have to display data dynamically. In real scenarios, dynamic data mostly comes from the database but for our application, we do not use a database and we will create a class to generate more data. So let's create a class. Add a class with the name SocialIcon and add the following fields and methods to it.

public class SocialIcon
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string IconName { get; set; }
    public string IconBgColor { get; set; }
    public string IconTargetUrl { get; set; }
    public string IconClass { get; set; }

    public static List<SocialIcon> AppSocialIcons()
        List<SocialIcon> icons = new List<SocialIcon>();
        icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 1, IconName = "Google", IconBgColor = "#dd4b39", IconTargetUrl = "", IconClass = "fa fa-google" });
        icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 2, IconName = "Facebook", IconBgColor = "#3B5998", IconTargetUrl = "", IconClass = "fa fa-facebook" });
        icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 3, IconName = "Linked In", IconBgColor = "#007bb5", IconTargetUrl = "", IconClass = "fa fa-fa-linkedin" });
        icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 4, IconName = "YouTube", IconBgColor = "#007bb5", IconTargetUrl = "", IconClass = "fa fa-youtube" });
        icons.Add(new SocialIcon { ID = 5, IconName = "Twitter", IconBgColor = "#55acee", IconTargetUrl = "", IconClass = "fa fa-twitter" });

        return icons;

Step 3. Add a ViewComponent class with the name SocialLinksViewComponent. (Don't forget to add ViewComponent with its name, in our application, we will use it with the name SocialLinks, and by writing ViewComponent with its name system will understand that it is ViewComponent and will be handled accordingly).


Step 4.ViewComponents are generated from a C# class derived from a base class ViewComponent and are typically associated with Razor files to generate markup. Just like controllers, ViewComponents also supports constructor injection. To implement SocialLinksViewComponent add the following code in your class that you have just created.

public class SocialLinksViewComponent : ViewComponent
    List<SocialIcon> socialIcons = new List<SocialIcon>();

    public SocialLinksViewComponent()
        socialIcons = SocialIcon.AppSocialIcons();

    public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
        var model = socialIcons;
        return await Task.FromResult((IViewComponentResult)View("SocialLinks", model));

We created a class and added a List of SocialIcon class. In the constructor, we loaded our list with data (it is not mandatory to add in the constructor you can add data in the InvokeAsync method as well and there will be no need for a constructor). It will return data in our model object and will render markup in Razor View SocialLinks.

Step 5. We added a folder in Views > Shared with the name Components (it should have Components name). And will add a folder SocialLinks in this folder we created a Razor View with the name SocialLinks.cshtml. Do the same and add the following code in Razor View.

@model IList<ViewComponentApp.Models.SocialIcon>

<p class="col-md-12" style="padding-top:50px;">
    @foreach (var icon in Model)
        <a style="background:@icon.IconBgColor" href="@icon.IconTargetUrl">
            <i class="@icon.IconClass"></i>

Step 6. Now we have implemented our ViewComponent and added markup HTML in our corresponding Razor View. Now we will call this ViewComponent in our desired page where it is needed. I am calling it on Index.cshtml page you can use it anywhere in the application with just the following code.

@(await Component.InvokeAsync("SocialLinks"))

This above code snippet is the way we can call a ViewComponent in our Razor Views. It will render the desired markup. You can also pass parameters in ViewComponents as follows.

@(await Component.InvokeAsync("SocialLinks", new { IconsToShow = 5 }))

This is how we can pass parameters. But in our application, we are not passing any parameters so we will use the snippet above. So code in our Index.CSS HTML page will look like this.

    ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";
    a {
        padding: 5px;
        margin: 5px;
        color: white;

    .main-p {
        margin-bottom: 20px;
        padding-bottom: 20px;

<p class="text-center main-p">
    <h1 class="display-4">Welcome</h1>
    <h3>View Component Example</h3>

    @(await Component.InvokeAsync("SocialLinks", new { IconsToShow = 5 }))

Step 7. Run the application. After successfully running the application you will see the following output.


You can see that our ViewComponent is rendered on our Index.cshtml page. Similarly, this can be rendered on any page in the application using the same call that we used on Index.cshtml page.

Happy Coding!