What are Essential Requirements and Accidental Requirements?

What are the Essential Requirements?

Essentials Requirements are those requirements that are a critical part of the system. Without these requirements, we even can’t combine the overall functionality of the system.

Essential requirements, also known as core requirements or must-have requirements, are the critical functionalities, constraints, or qualities that are absolutely necessary for a software system to fulfill its intended purpose and meet the needs of its users or stakeholders. These requirements are considered fundamental and non-negotiable, and without them, the software system would be incomplete or unusable. Essential requirements form the backbone of the software and are the primary focus during the development process.


  • Auth functionality of the system.
  • Account management in a multi-client system.

Characteristics of essential requirements include

  • Necessity: Essential requirements are indispensable for the software system to function as intended. They represent the core features that address the primary objectives of the software.
  • High Priority: These requirements are given the highest priority during the requirements engineering process. They are typically the first to be addressed in the development cycle.
  • Unambiguous: Essential requirements are well-defined and clear, leaving little room for interpretation or ambiguity. They are specific and measurable, allowing for straightforward implementation and testing.
  • Stakeholder-Driven: Essential requirements are derived from the needs and expectations of the stakeholders, including end-users, clients, and other relevant parties.
  • Impact on Project Success: The successful implementation of essential requirements significantly contributes to the overall success of the software project. Meeting these requirements is crucial for customer satisfaction and project acceptance.
  • Limited in Number: Essential requirements are usually limited in number to ensure that the focus remains on the most critical functionalities. Identifying and prioritizing these requirements is vital to avoid feature creep and scope creep during development.

What are Accidental Requirements?

Accentual Requirements are those requirements that can be changed during the development process OR the Design Phase OR Requirement analysis phase simply at any stage of software development.

Accidental requirements, also known as incidental requirements, are features or functionalities that are not initially intended or essential for the software system but end up being included due to various factors during the development process. Unlike essential requirements, accidental requirements are not directly related to the core purpose of the software and may not be driven by the needs of the primary stakeholders. Instead, they are often introduced unintentionally, sometimes as a result of miscommunication, design decisions, or external influences.


  • The government laws changed the payment process.

Characteristics of accidental requirements

  • Unplanned: Accidental requirements are not part of the original scope or intended functionality of the software. They emerge during the development process.
  • Secondary Importance: These requirements are not critical to achieving the primary objectives of the software. While they may add value to the system, they are not essential for its core functionality.
  • Result of Design Decisions: Sometimes, accidental requirements are a result of design choices made during the development process. For example, a developer might choose to use a particular library or framework that introduces additional features.
  • Customer Feedback or External Factors: Accidental requirements can also arise from customer feedback or external influences, such as changes in regulations or market trends. While these changes may improve the software, they were not originally part of the core plan.
  • Scope Creep: Accidental requirements can contribute to scope creep, where the project's scope gradually expands beyond the original intention, potentially leading to delays and increased development costs.
  • May Be Dropped: Depending on project constraints and priorities, accidental requirements may be dropped or postponed to future releases if they are not deemed necessary for the current version of the software.


We conclude that essential and accentual play important role in software development. Essential Requirements are the lifeline of a software product. Without these requirements, we can’t build a functional system at anycast.

Accentual Requirements are those requirements that can be changed during the development process OR the Design Phase OR Requirement analysis phase simply at any stage of software development.

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