Architecture of Oracle APEX


This diagram provides a more detailed representation of the architecture of Oracle APEX. The flow starts with the web browser, which communicates with a web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx) to handle HTTP requests. The web server forwards requests to Oracle REST Data Services (APEX Listener), which serves as the interface between the web server and the APEX Engine.

The APEX Engine is responsible for executing the application's logic and rendering the user interface. It interacts with the Oracle Database, which contains the APEX Runtime Engine and stores the application data and metadata. The Metadata Repository stores the definitions and settings of the applications, including application definitions, security settings, and workspace objects.

Developers use the Application Builder, a web-based interface, to create and manage applications. They utilize various application development components provided by Oracle APEX, such as forms, reports, charts, dashboards, templates, themes, dynamic actions, plugins, and authentication/authorization mechanisms.

Please note that this diagram represents a general architecture, and the actual deployment and configuration of Oracle APEX can vary based on specific requirements and infrastructure setup.

Architecture of Oracle APEX

Overview of the key architectural elements of Oracle APEX,

  1. Web Browser: The end-user interacts with the Oracle APEX application through a web browser. The browser sends requests to the APEX server and displays the application's user interface.
  2. APEX Server: The APEX server is responsible for processing requests from the web browser, managing the application's metadata and runtime environment, and coordinating the interaction between the various components.
  3. Oracle Database: A critical component of the Oracle APEX architecture is the Oracle Database, which serves as the underlying data storage and processing platform. APEX applications are tightly integrated with the database, leveraging SQL and PL/SQL for data management and business logic.
  4. Oracle APEX Engine: The APEX engine is a runtime engine within the APEX server that interprets and executes the application's metadata and user interactions. It handles tasks such as processing user input, executing database queries, and rendering dynamic content.
  5. Metadata Repository: The metadata repository is a collection of database tables that store the definitions and configurations of APEX applications, including application components (pages, regions, items), security settings, and navigation structures. The metadata is managed within the Oracle Database.
  6. Application Builder: The Application Builder is a web-based development environment provided by Oracle APEX. Developers use the Application Builder to create, modify, and manage APEX applications. It offers a visual interface for designing application pages, defining data models, configuring security, and specifying application behavior.
  7. Application Workspace: An application workspace is a logical container within Oracle APEX that groups related applications, database objects, and development resources. Each workspace has its own set of users, security settings, and development environment.
  8. Templates and Themes: Oracle APEX provides a variety of pre-built templates and themes that enable developers to define the look and feel of their applications. Templates provide the overall structure and layout, while themes control the styles, colors, and visual elements.
  9. Built-in Components: APEX offers a wide range of built-in components, such as forms, reports, charts, calendars, and interactive grids. These components can be easily configured and customized through the Application Builder, allowing developers to rapidly create data-driven interfaces.
  10. Security and Access Control: Oracle APEX includes built-in security features to protect applications and data. This includes user authentication, authorization, and role-based access control. Security settings can be defined at the application, page, and item levels.


Overall, the architecture of Oracle APEX leverages the Oracle Database's power, combined with the APEX server and development tools, to enable the development and deployment of web applications with a focus on speed, scalability, and simplicity.