Best Practices For Working With Date/Time Data In Oracle SQL


When working with date/time data in queries, here are some best practices to follow,

  1. Use date literals in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) to avoid ambiguity and ensure consistent formatting.
  2. Avoid using functions on indexed columns, as it can impact performance. Instead, use the appropriate format when creating the index.
  3. Be aware of time zone differences when working with date/time data in queries, especially with data from multiple time zones.
  4. Use the appropriate data type for date/time data. Oracle supports several date/time data types, including DATE, TIMESTAMP, and INTERVAL, each with advantages and limitations.


The DATE data type is used to store date and time information, accurate to the second. It ranges from January 1, 4712 BCE, to December 31, 9999 CE.

Example of a table with a DATE column,

CREATE TABLEorders ( order_id NUMBER, order_date DATE, customer_id NUMBER, ... );


The TIMESTAMP data type stores date and time information with fractional seconds, accurate to nanoseconds. It ranges from January 1, 4712 BCE, to December 31, 9999 CE.

Example of a table with a TIMESTAMP column,

CREATE TABLEaudit_log ( user_id NUMBER, action_date TIMESTAMP, action_type VARCHAR2(50), ... );


The INTERVAL data type is used to store time intervals, such as the time between two dates or times. It has a range of -999999999 to 999999999 years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Example of a table with an INTERVAL column,

CREATE TABLEemployee_availability ( employee_id NUMBER, start_time TIMESTAMP, end_time TIMESTAMP, availability INTERVALDAYTOSECOND, ... );