Caption of a Running processes


 About Classes used

#1: Process class, provides an access to local & remote processes, also enable to start & stop  

Local system processes. Using the Process component, we can obtain a list of the

processes that are running, or can start a new process.

Namespace Required - System. Diagnostics

Here I implemented the Code for obtaining Caption of main window of the running processes.

The Code

1. Access the Running Processes (code for “Refresh” Button).

//Access all the running processes
      foreach (Process var in Process.GetProcesses())
                  {     //if Caption if NOT Blank then
                        //Add Caption of Process to ListBox
                        if (var.MainWindowTitle != "")
                  catch (Exception) { //Add code for Exception (if any) }

Listing 1

2. Now you can pass this Process Caption to any other control. (Here I used it for a ListBox Control)

3. Now execute the Application and see the result (Figure 1).         

Intended Result

New Picture.png

Figure 1

In this piece of writing, using C# environment, we have seen how to retrieve the caption/title of a main window of the running processes on the local system.

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