Check Out Some Of The Myths Commonly Associated With Mobile Testing

Mobile app testing is a process in which an app software developed for handheld mobile devices is tested for usability, functionality, and consistency. Testing mobile apps could either be manual or automated. Mobile apps could either come pre-installed or installed from mobile software distribution platforms. Mobiles witnessed a phenomenal growth in the last few years.


When it comes to mobile app testing and mobile testing strategies, there are a lot of prevalent myths of which a novice could be convinced to too easily. Testing helps to find bugs and to provide reliable feedback on them. Professional and beta testers don't just help identify bugs but gauge app performance as well before the big release. Why are there a lot of myths around testing mobile software and mobile testing tools? Check out some of the myths surrounding the testing of mobile application world.

  1. Physical testing is not available. Some people may have heard that there’s no physical way of testing mobile apps. Nevertheless, it’s hard and it’s not available are not the same. A lot of organizations offer professional tools for testing mobile apps with a range of network conditions. Some people say that there is no physical way of testing mobile apps. While it’s hard to test mobile applications, it definitely isn’t impossible. There are a lot of ways to test mobile apps professionally with a range of network conditions. A lot of organizations offer the latest tech services for testing mobile. Before launching your mobile application, ensure that the partner with this type of companies and get the application tested.

  2. Functionality and performance tests are one and the same. Another ridiculous myth regarding mobile software testing is that one need not test performance if one has checked for functionality. Nevertheless, getting an application run and having it successfully run are two different things. One does not want a car with all functions such as a Porsche but refuses to run faster compared to a camel cart. If the app fails to perform fast and users have to wait more than five seconds, then the app is history.

  3. Post-production mobile app testing. A lot of developers believe in testing their mobile apps post-production. Based on them, it provides them true insight. Nevertheless, in the real world, there are concerns such as the inability to determine conditions of the network, gauge the root cause of the issue and inability to reproduce a similar scenario. Furthermore, if testing is done during peak hours, the usability could be reflected but if done in non-peak hours one may not get the real picture.

  4. Testing takes time and provides a low return on investment. Testing could take a lot of time and could provide low ROI or return on investment, just like any disaster preparedness exercise. Mobile app testing surely is less costly compared to the cost of a failed app. If one has to maintain regular testing system during the development of apps, one could not only minimize the time taken for mobile application testing, but also the costs that are associated with it. It’s obvious that testing is a time-consuming operation. Nevertheless, by doing this, one could considerably minimize the associated costs with an app and the time taken for maintaining it in the future.

  5. Mobile traffic has nothing to do with a back-end system. This is far from the truth. While one could not do much regarding mobile networks, one must test the app’s performance during high traffic as even moderate traffic could bring down one’s system and shake up infrastructure if the app is not tested against traffic. All in all a mobile app is an integral aspect if one wants a successful mobile application.

Mastering the art of mobile testing is more and more important for any organization that wants to stay competitive. A lot of developers, it appears, are content in throwing their latest rushed applications at the App Store wall and checking out what sticks. The approach certainly is understandable. True, software testing can be hard work. To stay competitive in a crowded market and fast-paced world, there are times that cutting corners makes sense. But, opting for speed and quantity over quality and care never has been a good long-term business strategy and the application store halls of Google, Apple, Windows, Amazon, and others are littered with hundreds of thousands of one-star reviews, which tell a tragic tale.

A mobile app, all in all, is a vital aspect for the success of a mobile application. Do not fall prey to the mobile app testing myths and get the applications tested since early development. Also, it’s important to ensure that the application functions smoothly, performs faster, and works under all conditions.