Clear SharePoint Site Subscription BusinessDataCatalogConfig Using PowerShell Script In SharePoint 2013

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How to delete SharePoint Site Subscription BusinessDataCatalogConfig

For this, we will use the PowerShell method.
Powershell Method
  • Open your SharePoint Management Shell.
  • Copy the below code.
  • Run this one.
This code will help you delete all the data from the Business Data Connectivity Metadata Store for a mentioned SharePoint Site.
  1. Clear-SPSiteSubscriptionBusinessDataCatalogConfig  
  2. -ServiceContext <SPServiceContextPipeBind>  
  3. [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>]  
  4. [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]  
  5. [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]  
  6. Clear-SPSiteSubscriptionBusinessDataCatalogConfig -ServiceContext  

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