Copy and paste the workflow steps in SharePoint Designer 2013

In SharePoint Designer 2013 they have introduced a new feature “Copy & Paste” for the workflow steps which will be very useful to reduce the time in creating similar workflow steps. In my previous article I explained how to start the SharePoint 2010 workflow within SharePoint 2013 workflow. In this blog you will see how to copy & paste the simple workflow step. I will use the same workflow that I have explained in my previous article. I have created a simple SharePoint 2013 workflow which contains the following steps


I am going to copy the Stage1 (ctrl+c) and paste it (ctrl+v).

Except the stage name everything will be same you can just modify only the parameters that you want to modify. This will save your time when you need to have similar steps in multiple places. No need to spend time in writing the same logic every time.
