Error Configuring Power Pivot 2012 On SharePoint 2013

This is the PowerShell output, if I run the command on its own.
  1. PS C:\Users\sharepointsetup> New-PowerPivotSystemServiceInstance -Provision:$true New-PowerPivotSystemServiceInstance : The PowerPivot System Service does not exist in the farm. At line:1 char:1 + New-PowerPivotSystemServiceInstance -Provision:$true + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Analy...ServiceInstance: NewPowerPivotMidTierServiceInstance) [New-PowerPivotSystemServiceInstance] , GeminiException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SPAddin.PowerShell.NewPowerPivotMidTierServiceInstance  


Configure Local Service Instances

  • Register PowerPivot System Services on the local Server.

  • Cannot create the service instances because the parent Service does not exist.

  • Prerequisites check for execution filed. Farm is not in a valid state in PowerPivot. 

Before installing or trying to install powerpivot in sharepoint 2013

Create secure store Service key for PowerPivot -- by going to CentralAdmin>secure store Service>New and giving the name to the target Application ID-Powerpivotunattendedaccount, display name- Power pivot unattended account data needs to be refreshed, contact email address, select none for target Application name and click Next. In the 1st field name, type- username and field. Type a Windows username, 2nd field type as - password and field type Windows password and click Next. Provide an admin account username name. Now, go to download spPowerPivot installer here, install the Installer and open the PowerPivot configuration tool and follow the instructions.

If you are using SQL Server 2012 standard version after installing the SP Installer, go to tools in SQL Server 2012 and click Configure PowerPivot and follow the instructions.