How to Create Nokia X App

Steps to create Nokia X App.

  1. Go to and Register Your Account
  2. Go to ,Click on Certificate Tab and Generate a Certificate (without this certificate you can't generate .apk file)
  3. Go to and Click Create New App
  4. Go To Pages>StartScreen(Homescreen) the Add Image/Text/Videos
  5. Create New Page,Add Nav Bar(Menu Bar) in All Pages
  6. Add Events(Page Navigation)
  7. Go To Test> Launch in a webbrowser, Then Test Your App and Take 2 Different ScreenShots of APP( This Screen Shots Crop and Resize to 480X800px ,you need this screenshots for publising)
  8. Go To Project>App Settings>Android Binary then Add Images(logo)
  9. Change Target Version to Android,4.2
  10. Final Step ,Export>.apk ( after some seconds your .Apk fill will de downloaded)
  11. Go to Then Publish New App

You Need Some Logos/Icons for publishing.

Wish You All The Best, Happy Coding!!!