How To Install DotNetNuke

  1. Download the latest stable release of DotNetNuke, using the INSTALL package.

  2. Extract the contents of the ZIP package to a folder on your computer.

  3. Create a directory in your local drive for IIS configuration {ex:- c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ } folder called DotNetNuke which would look like the following.


  4. Copy the contents of the extracted DNN INSTALL package to the "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dotnetnuke\ " folder.

  5. Go to the properties of the "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dotnetnuke\ " folder, click on the Security tab => select user =>Edit, be sure to add the permissions for the appropriate user (Ex:- IIS_IUSER and current user). Give "Full control" permissions to the folder.

    If IIS_IUSER not found,  in the Security => Group of user names, click Add =>Advance => Find Now => select user from search result => OK. Give full control permission to the user.

  6. Open up the web server IIS Console, start->run->INETMGR.

  7. Expand the websites node.

  8. Right click Sites.


    Right click Sites => Add website the open the following windows, give the following details, then click OK.

    1. site name - [{Site Name, use for browse}]

    2. Physical Path - [{Local Path of system}]

    3. Port - [if you require any specific port number to be used for this site then provide details otherwise keep it 80 for default value.]

    4. If you have host name then give the host name otherwise leave blank. [Ex:]

      SQL Server Management

  9. Open the SQL Server Management Studio and connect your database. Then, give the following details.

    1. Server name.
    2. Login.
    3. Password.

      SQL Server Management

  10. Create the database (ex:- DnnDemo)

  11. Open the web..config from Local Path of system (ex:-C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dotnetnuke\web.config)

  12. Update the connectionString in web.config

    SQL Server Management

  13. Open the IIS and browse the web site.

    SQL Server Management

  14. Following window opens after browsing the web site.

    SQL Server Management

  15. Fill the following details,

    SQL Server Management

    SQL Server Management

    1. Username. [default :-host]
    2. Password.
    3. Confirm password.
    4. Email Address.
    5. Website name.
    6. Database Setup. [select Custom]
    7. Database Type. [select SQL Server/SQL Server Express Database]
    8. Server name.
    9. Database name.
    10. Security [select user defined].
    11. Database username.
    12. Database password.
    13. And select as database owner.

      Then, click Continue.

  16. After clicking on Continue, Dnn installation is started.

    SQL Server Management

    SQL Server Management

    After installation process is complete, click on "Visit website" to open the website.

    SQL Server Management

  17. Your website is ready for use.
