Manage Query Suggestions In Sharepoint 2016 Search

Query suggestion

It will help you to suggest the keyword, while searching. For example, if you are going to type Dr apj abdul kalam, it suggests some keywords related to these keywords like books, missile man, birthdate etc…..

Let us see:

Open central administration.

Open central administration

Click Application management -> Open Manage Service Application.

Open manage service application

Click Search Service Application.

search service application

In this page, click Query suggestions on the left side.

Click Query suggestions

Click the Checkbox to enable showing of search suggestions.

enable show search suggestions

Provide the language for the suggestion phrases ex: English, Arabic, Chinese etc.


In Always suggest phase -> click to import from the text file.

Before doing this, create a TXT file with some keyword suggestions.

text file

Save the file.

Now, click Always suggest phase -> click to import from the text file.

Upload the document and click OK.


You can also restrict the suggested phrases, using never suggested phrases.

Never suggested phrases

Click Save Settings.

Next, open Monitoring in central admin.

Under timer jobs -> Click Review job definitions.


Find the timer job -> Prepare the query suggestions.

Prepare query suggestions

Open it and run now, set the timer according to what kind of time interval is required to run this job, as per your scenario.


All set to go.

Now, open SharePoint site.

Now, type some queries in the search input box and you will get the result like:

sharepoint site

This is the final result you get, like Google autocomplete.