Named Parameter In C# Language


Named Parameter  is a new feature of c#, which include in c# 4.0 version. Named parameter are an alternate parameter syntax, which checked for correctness by the compiler. Named arguments enable us to specify the method parameters by their names. When specifying the named arguments, the position of the parameter is not important anymore.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace named_parameter_in_c_sharp


    class student  //Create class


        //Create function with two parameter, where 1st is string type and 2nd is int type

        public void show(string Name, int Age)


            Console.WriteLine("Student Name : {0}\nStudent Age  : {1}", Name, Age);



    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            student obj = new student();//create object


            //Call to function and pass values, where 1st is int type and 2nd is string type

  ,Name:"Nitin"); // Handle by the named argument






