Search within Gridview based on search criteria

Search within Gridview based on search criteria


In other forum,  one user asked me to search within Grid view , and its display only those rows which match with the search criteria. so I given some code like this:


Code Snippet :

            // iterate through all rows

            for (int j = 0; j < GridView1.Rows.Count; j++)


                // iterate through all cols

                for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Columns.Count; i++)


                    //match each cell of row with search value

                    if (GridView1.Rows[j].Cells[i].Text.Contains("search criteria"))


                        //set visible true if match with criteria

                        GridView1.Rows[j].Cells[i].Visible = true;





                        //set visible false if match with criteria

                        GridView1.Rows[j].Cells[i].Visible = false;


