SharePoint: Find Current W3WP Process of your Running Application

Here I will brief you about how to find currently running w3wp process for your application. I have seen at many places where people attaches all the running process to application to debug the server side code ; which in turn uses large server memory resources. To avoid this you can use below single line command to find the exact w3wp process and attach only required process.


  1. Go to C:\windows\System32\inetsrv
  2. Run this command appcmd list wps

Please find below image for details. E.g. Consider a case you are running your application on SharePoint- 1000 application pool; you can attach process with 10840 Id.

running your application on SharePoint


  1. Shortcut to Attach A process (Ctrl + Alt + P).
  2. Not always Visual studio list out the currently running process in first position.

Happy SharePointing !!!!