SQL Server Reporting Service

Supported Browser

  • Internet Explorer 5.5 and later
  • Firefox 1.5 and later
  • Safari 3.0 and later

HTML-Specific Rendering Rules

  • The renderer builds an HTML table structure to contain all of the items in each ReportItems collection, if there is more than one.

    Every item within the table structure occupies a single cell.
  • Empty cells are collapsed together as much as possible to reduce the size of the HTML.
  • A row of empty cells is added to the top edge and another column to the left edge to improve the speed at which browsers can render the table.
  • Table rows or columns that contain no items, just gaps between items, are given fixed widths and heights.
  • All other rows and columns are allowed to grow depending on the size of each report item.
  • All coordinates and report item sizes are converted to millimeters. All other sizes, including style properties, retain their original units. Size and position differences smaller than .2mm are treated as 0mm.


Show and Hide

A report item whose visibility can be toggled is rendered with a +/- toggle image and is clickable. When the item is clicked, a call back to the server takes place in order to re-render the output with the changed show or hide state.

Document Map

Document map labels are rendered and can be navigated to by using the document map in the viewer control. For omitted data region headers, labels are rendered on the first child cell. If there is no child cell present, the label is rendered on the child that precedes it.


Bookmark links are rendered and appear as hyperlinks. Bookmark targets are rendered and can be navigated to by clicking the bookmark links. When a bookmark link is clicked, the report goes to the first occurrence of the target bookmark label and, when possible, the browser is scrolled so that the bookmark link is at the top of the window. HTML anchor (<a>) tags are used to mark bookmark targets.

Interactive Sorting

If a text box has user sort defined, the HTML rendering extension renders the sort icons in the text box to the right of its contents. If a report contains any text box where user sort is defined, JavaScript is rendered that causes a postback to the server when the sort image is clicked.

Hyperlinks and Drillthrough

Hyperlinks and drillthrough links are rendered as hyperlinks on report items using the HTML anchor (<a>) tags around the item on which they are defined.


The Search feature allows users to search for a string of text within the report.

Additional search and find functionality is provided by the ReportViewer Web Forms control.

HTML Supporting TAGS

  • Hyperlinks: <A href>
  • Fonts: <FONT>
  • Header, style and block elements: <H{n}>, <DIV>, <SPAN>,<P>, <DIV>, <LI>, <HN>
  • Text format: <B>, <I>, <U>, <S>
  • List handling: <OL>, <UL>, <LI>

Limitations of Cascading Style Sheet Attributes

  • text-align, text-indent
  • font-family, font-size
  • color
  • padding, padding-bottom, padding-top, padding-right, padding-left
  • font-weight

To add HTML from a field in your dataset into a text box

1 If the Toolbox is not visible, click Toolbox on the View menu.

2 Double-click or drag a Textbox report item to the design surface.

3 Drag a field from your dataset into the text box. A placeholder is created for your field.

4 Right-click the placeholder, and then click Placeholder Properties.

5 On the General tab, verify that the Value box contains an expression that evaluates to the field you dropped in step 3.

6 Click HTML - Interpret HTML tags as styles. This causes the field to be evaluated as HTML.

7 Click OK.

Placeholder Properties


Type a label for the placeholder. The label will be displayed on the design surface only.


Type the value of the text box. This should be a field expression, other expression, or a label. Click the Expression (fx) button to edit the expression.


Type text or an expression that evaluates to a ToolTip. Click the Expression (fx) button to edit the expression. The ToolTip appears when the user pauses the pointer over the item in the rendered report.

Markup type

  • None - Plain text only Display the placeholder as simple text. HTML will be treated as literal text.
  • HTML - Interpret HTML tags as styles Display the placeholder as HTML. If the expression value of the placeholder contains valid HTML tags, these tags will be rendered as HTML.