Use Multicasting Delegates in C# Language


Multitasking of delegates is very useful property of delegates , you can create invocation list of methods that will be called a delegate is invoked. Show in the example. 


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

delegate int change_number(int i);         //create delegate change number

namespace using_multicasting_delegates_in_c_Sharp



    class TestDelegate                     //create class test delegate


        static int number = 15;            //static number declare

        public static int Add(int k)       //create static function add


            number += k;

            return number;



        public static int Multiply(int l)   //create static function Multiply


            number *= l;

            return number;


        public static int display()         //create static function display


            return number;



        static void Main(string[] args)


            change_number cn;                            //create delegate instances

            change_number cn2 = new change_number(Add);

            change_number cn3 = new change_number(Multiply);

            cn = cn2;

            cn += cn3; 

            cn(10);                   //calling multicast

            Console.WriteLine("Value of Num: {0}", display());





