View the DraftVersions in SharePoint

SharePoint Object Model has the lot of enumeration properties that helps to identify the information of the SharePoint object. Here, we are going to see the property, which help us to determine that who can view the minor versions of list items / files in a list or library.

Server Object Model

SPList.DraftVersionVisibility property is used to set or get which type of user permission required to view the minor version of items in a list or library.

Returns the DraftVisibilityType enumeration based on Microsoft.SharePoint.dll.

Client Object Model

List.DraftVersionVisibility is used to set or get which type of user permission required to view the minor version of items in a list or library.

Retruns the DraftVisibilityType enumeration based on Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll.

This property can be set at List level in SharePoint. And it returns any one of the three enumeration values,

Member Key

Member Value




Everyone has the read permission can view the items.



User who creates the item only can view the draft version.



User who are all having approval permission only can view the draft version of document.