What’s Making Automated Software Testing So Important

What’s making automated software testing so important?

Automation software testing saves time and money. Software tests have to be repeated often during the development cycle to ensure quality. Each time source code is modified, tests should be repeated. For every release of software, it may be tested on all the supporting environments.

Physically repeating these tests is costly and time consuming. Once created, the automated tests can be run over and over again at no extra cost and they are much faster than manual tests. Automated software testing can decrease the time to run the repetitive tests from days to hours.

Improve Accuracy

Even the most meticulous tester will make mistakes during the monotonous manual testing. Automated tests perform the same steps precisely every time; they are executed and never forget to record detailed results through the reporting strategies and monitoring.

Does What Manual Testing Cannot Do

Even when a large amount of developers are present in an architecture, they are not able to perform a controlled test of certain technologies such as Web Application. Web Application might support thousands of requests per second generated by thousands of users, being able to replicate this environment in testing and automation. The process is a crucial part of testing. Automated testing can simulate tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of virtual users interacting with the network or Web software and Applications in real time.

Helps Developers and Testers

Shared automated tests can be used by the developers to catch problems quickly before sending to QA. Tests can run automatically; each time source code changes they are checked in and the team or the developer is notified if they fail. Features like these save developers time and increase their confidence.

Increases Test Coverage

Automated software testing can increase the depth and scope of the tests to help improve software quality. Drawn-out tests, which are often avoided during the manual testing can be run unattended. Automation can be deployed to support multiple devices with a diverse range of configuration.

Automated software testing can monitor the Application and report on the memory utilization, object relationships, data tables, file contents and object states to determine if the Application is behaving as expected within the constraining set by the manufacturer. Automated software tests can easily execute thousands of different complex test cases during every test run providing coverage, which is awkward with manual tests. Testers are free from the repetitive manual tests and are more productive in other phases of development or deployment due to which they are able to create new automated software tests and deal with the complex features of each specialized Application.

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