Why Should We Use MVC

Why should we use MVC?

  1. Its allow you unit Testing
  2. No ViewState and PostBack events
  3. Enables the full control over the rendered HTML
  4. Provides clean separation of Concerns(SoC).
  5. RESTful urls that enables SEO.
  6. It provides better support for test-driven development (TDD).
  7. Extensive support for ASP.NET routing.
  8. Session, JS, Ajax works. Validation is even more powerful with DataAnnotations and jquery.
  9. Pluggable architecture.
  10. Is MVC faster?

    Yes by default because of lack of viewstate and clean markup. But performance is subject and MVC by design is more per formant that traditional ASP.NET webforms(though webforms can be made as fast as required.
  11. Rich UI support (possible through client side JS libraries like jQuery UI and others).

    Telerik has released some controls for MVC which includes Grid control as well (which are merely HTMLHelpers)