Architecting Modern Applications using Monolithic Architecture in Asp.Net Core Web API

Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan

Architecting the application in core web API in this book we adopted a practical approach for the development of software products. In this book, we will explain the fully featured projects and how we can architect the application.

  • Published on Oct 28 2022
  • Pages 132
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Architecting the application in core web API in this book we adopted a practical approach for the development of software products. This book is divided into four parts every part has its dimension. In this book, we will explain the fully featured projects and how we can architect the application using the following architectures.
  • Monolithic Architecture
  • Clean Architecture
  • Onion Architecture
  • Three Tier Architecture
  • Application Deployment on Azure
PART 1: Monolithic Architecture
  • Introduction
  • Complete Understanding of Monolithic Architecture
  • Practical Approach for Architecting the Application with Core
  • Conclusion
  • Complete Project GitHub URL
PART 2: Three-Tier Architecture.
  • Introduction
  • Complete Understanding of Three Tier Architecture
  • Practical Approach for Architecting the Application with Core
  • Conclusion
  • Complete Project GitHub URL
PART 3: Onion Architecture.
  • Introduction
  • Complete Understanding of Three Tier Architecture
  • Practical Approach for Architecting the Application with Core
  • Conclusion
  • Complete Project GitHub URL
PART 4: Clean Architecture.
  • Introduction
  • Complete Understanding of Three Tier Architecture
  • Practical Approach for Architecting the Application with Core
  • Conclusion
  • Complete Project GitHub URL
PART 5: Application Deployment on Server.
  • Introduction
  • Deployment Procedure
  • Server Configuration
  • Deployment Steps
  • Conclusion