Software Requirements Engineering

Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan

Software Requirements Engineering

  • Published on Feb 16 2024
  • Pages 190
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  • Welcome to Software Requirements Engineering
  • The Metaphor of Software Requirement Engineering
  • Prerequisites for Software Requirement Engineering
  • Key Requirement Decisions
  • Feasibility Study
  • Introduction of Requirement Elicitation
  • Requirement Validation and Verification
  • Requirement Management
  • Introduction of Software Process Models
  • Software Process Models
  • Importance of Software Models
  • Selection of Process Models
  • Essential and Accidental Requirements
  • System Functional Requirements
  • System Non-Functional Requirements
  • Introduction of System
  • Requirement Analysis
  • System Design
  • Development and Configuration Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Results and Discussions of Software product