Roshni Gandhi
Tell us about Data Types in Power Apps.
By Roshni Gandhi in Power Apps on Aug 05 2019
  • Bidyasagar Mishra
    Sep, 2019 2

    Boolean,Color,Currency,Date,DateTime,GUID,Hyperlink,Image,Media,Number,Option set,Record,Record reference,Table,Text,Time,Two option

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  • lekhya pothini
    Apr, 2020 20

    we have most of the data types that we have in c# such as text , date, Number , currency ,Boolean,and also like color ,guid,image, optionset,Record and many more ..

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  • Sathish
    Feb, 2024 7

    Here we have different data types:- Text: Represents alphanumeric data.Number: Represents numeric data, including integers and decimals.Boolean: Represents true/false values.Date and Time: Represents dates and times.Choice: Represents a list of predefined options.Record: Represents a collection of related data fields.Image: Represents images.Audio: Represents audio files.Video: Represents video files.Currency: Represents currency values.

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  • Prajnya
    Jun, 2020 18

    All data types can have a value of blank (in other words, no value). The term "null" is often used in databases for this concept.Use the Blank function with the Set or Patch function to set a variable or field to blank. For example, Set( x, Blank() ) removes any value in the global variable x.Test for a blank value by using the IsBlank function. Replace possible blank values with non-blank values by using the Coalesce function.Because all data types support blank, the Boolean and Two option data types effectively have three possible values.

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