Pavan Ramamurthy
Difference between Waterfall, Agile and Kanban ?
By Pavan Ramamurthy in Software Testing on Jan 23 2023
  • Jin Vincent Necesario
    Feb, 2023 5

    A waterfall is a linear approach when working with a project phase before moving on to the next one. Agile emphasizes flexibility over a plan and is mostly used for projects that frequently change requirements. While kanban is a tool to implement Agile.

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  • Tuhin Paul
    Apr, 2023 15

    Waterfall is a linear and sequential approach to software development. It is a traditional and phased methodology that consists of distinct phases such as requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Each phase is completed before moving to the next phase, and there is little room for changes or feedback once a phase is completed. Waterfall is best suited for projects with well-defined requirements and a clear scope.

    Agile is a flexible and iterative approach to software development. It values individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile emphasizes a collaborative and cross-functional team, continuous feedback, and incremental and iterative development. Agile methods, such as Scrum and XP, focus on delivering a shippable product increment at the end of each sprint or iteration. Agile is best suited for projects with changing requirements and a high degree of uncertainty.

    Kanban is a visual and pull-based approach to software development. It emphasizes the continuous flow of work and the optimization of the work process. Kanban is based on the principle of limiting work in progress (WIP) and visualizing the workflow using a Kanban board. Kanban is best suited for projects with a steady flow of work and a high degree of variability.

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  • Shaishav Desai
    Feb, 2023 20

    Waterfall Model:

    This process define, requirments getharing, designing, development, testing and execution of the complete project step by step and dose the delivery once all the phases are completed.

    Agile Model:

    This process defined the product to deliver on an incremental basis.

    Kanban Model:

    Kanban process works fine where a product requires a lot of improvements. When an engineer is not able to estimate any timeline for the task, Kanban process helps to monitor the progress of the same task.

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