Kirtesh Shah
Different ways to use selector in angular?

Different ways to use selector in angular?

By Kirtesh Shah in Angular on Dec 25 2021
  • Rajkiran Swain
    Apr, 2023 3

    In Angular, selectors are used to define the component or directive’s location in the HTML DOM structure. Here are different ways to use selectors in Angular:

    Element Selector: This selector matches the HTML element tag name. The syntax for element selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘app-component’
    Here, the selector ‘app-component’ matches the tag in the HTML template.

    Class Selector: This selector matches the CSS class name. The syntax for class selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘.app-component’
    Here, the selector ‘.app-component’ matches the HTML element with the class name ‘app-component’.

    Attribute Selector: This selector matches the HTML attribute value. The syntax for attribute selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘[app-component]’
    Here, the selector ‘[app-component]’ matches the HTML element with the attribute name ‘app-component’.

    ID Selector: This selector matches the HTML element with the specified ID. The syntax for ID selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘#app-component’
    Here, the selector ‘#app-component’ matches the HTML element with the ID ‘app-component’.

    Structural Selector: This selector is used to define a directive that modifies the structure of the DOM. The syntax for structural selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘[ngIf]’
    Here, the selector ‘[ngIf]’ is used for a structural directive *ngIf that adds or removes elements from the DOM based on a condition.

    These are different ways to use selectors in Angular, and each selector type has its own syntax and use case.

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