Ankit Agarwal
What is data hiding and Encapsulation?
By Ankit Agarwal in OOP/OOD on Oct 01 2012
  • Pankaj  Kumar Choudhary
    Mar, 2015 22

    data hiding means hide some important information of class from other class,method or object. abstraction is a mechanism which allow a class to make visible relevant information and hide unnecessary information. Encapsulation enable a programmer to implement a desired level of abstraction using access specifier...

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  • Bhabani Prasad
    May, 2014 24

    hiding the internal details of an object is called datahiding or abstraction and encapsulation means is the process of binding the data members and functions into a single unit

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  • Alok Tripathi
    Mar, 2017 29

    Data Abstraction (data hiding) is a thinking process means that the developer should decide what information should show to outer world ,but the actual implementation of the Abstraction is nothing but the Encapsulation , which is achieved by using the access modifiers. you can say that the Encapsulation implements the Abstraction.

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  • Barkha Gupta
    Feb, 2016 4

    Data Abstration refers to data hiding as it act of represting essential features without including the background details or explanation, on the other hand Encapsulation is the wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit called as class.

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  • Munesh Sharma
    Apr, 2014 12

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  • masthan p
    Dec, 2012 2

    data hiding means hiding the internal details of an object and encapsulation means is the process of binding the data members and functions into a single unit.

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  • Sandeep Sachan
    Oct, 2012 11

    Simplest example for a developer to explain is think how you define a class with comparison to c++.

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  • Vithal Wadje
    Oct, 2012 4

    data hiding means hiding the internal details of an object and encapsulation means wrapping of data and code into single unit

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