  • Israel
  • Member since Dec 14 2008


Business-people are always looking for a new way to increase efficiency in how they conduct meetings that are not face-to-face. This product would allow them to communicate in voice (through cellular voice stream technology), which would be emitted through a speaker and passed in through a microphone; alternatively a headset could be used if the input were available. The tablet would be able to connect to other members who also had a unit (I don’t anticipate there being a maximum number of people connected to one virtual meeting).

In addition to being able to communicate through speech, the users would be able to use the graphical display on the tablet to display documents, presentations etc. THAT COULD BE EDITED IN REAL-TIME BY ANYONE THE ORIGINAL OWNER ALLOWS! In other words, if a group were working on a 20-page document, 10 different people could be making changes to this document at the same time while carrying on a discussion. The master copy of the document would be stored on the owner’s tablet and updates would be transmitted in real time to all the other members connected. You would also be able to market “plug-ins” for various file formats beyond those that you choose to have preloaded in the unit.

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