Related resources for DCOM
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  • Advantages And Uses Of Web Services In C#12/20/2015 1:18:10 PM. In this article you will learn about web service in .NET with the advantages and uses.
  • How to Set Computer-Wide Access Permissions Through the Component Services6/16/2013 2:34:52 PM. In this article you will learn how to set Computer-Wide Access Permissions using Component Services.
  • How to Disable DCOM in Windows Server 20124/28/2013 12:59:47 PM. In this article I will explain how to disable DCOM.
  • Enable DCOM to Let Your System's Component Services Communicate With Others4/24/2013 3:43:35 PM. In this article you will learn about enabling the DCOM in Windows Server 2012.
  • Net DDE to .NET Remoting11/10/2012 3:09:49 AM. This article travel through time to trace the genesis of Dot Net Remoting right from RPC to RMI till SOAP.
  • In-Depth Series - Web Services: Basics and Beyond10/13/2012 5:36:02 AM. This article series shall attempt an explanation that will go beyond the basics of web services.
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  • Migrating COM/DCOM Applications in Microsoft .NET Framework9/30/2012 5:43:57 AM. In the current Internet scenario, various classic applications run on multiple networks. These applications could have been written using different languages like Visual Basic, Visual C++. For example, a retail organization would have different systems, such as an inventory management system, a bill of material systems, and a general ledger system, all implemented using various technologies available for application development. These systems need to be integrated to form a higher-level enterprise information system for an organization.
  • Language Independence from COM to .NET9/30/2012 4:42:44 AM. This article covers the subject regarding Language Independence. This term Language Independent means one can create an application using various languages. This Language independent starts from past COM (OLE & ActiveX) to present .Net.Let us see in detail.
  • Introduction to SOAP5/20/2012 7:52:12 AM. Since the release I have been fascinated with this thing called SOAP, This bubbly new protocol backed by the power of XML is certainly going to make waves in the world of distributed computing. The first thing which comes into our mind is “Why the heck we didn’t think of this before?
  • Net DDE to DOTNET Remoting5/15/2012 6:33:38 PM. This article travel through time to trace the genesis of Dot Net Remoting right from RPC to RMI till SOAP.
  • How to Create WCF Service5/13/2012 7:24:53 AM. In this Article we learn how to create WCF Service and how to call in the code behind file (.cs).
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