Related resources for Immutability
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  • DateTime In C# 9/12/2023 10:54:06 AM. In C#, DateTime is a fundamental data type that represents dates and times. It is part of the System namespace and provides a rich set of methods and properties for working with dates and times. Here
  • StringBuffer Class In Java7/19/2022 9:01:49 PM. A StringBuffer represents a string that can be modified. Whenever there is a concatenation operator (+) used with strings, a StringBuffer object is automatically created.
  • Inspecting Frozenset In Python2/17/2022 4:37:45 AM. The article explains in detail the frozenset function in Python.
  • Deep Dive Into Records In C# 910/26/2020 9:48:38 AM. In this article, you will learn about deep dive into one of the most exciting features in C# 9, the records.
  • Functional Programming In C++11/26/2018 10:42:29 AM. This article will show you an alternative way of using C++; How to write functional code in C++. You’ll see how to write more concise, safer, readable, reasonable code.
  • .NET String Immutability and Related .NET Framework Bugs11/19/2013 3:38:28 PM. This article which explains several aspects of the .NET String class internal structure. Examples and workarounds are given for three distinct manifestations of a reported bug related to the TextRenderer.MeasureText function used with PathEllipsis and ModifyString flags.