Related resources for Multi-threaded
  • ConcurrentBag<T> in C#: Thread-Safe Collection for Concurrency4/23/2024 5:39:26 AM. Concurrent programming in C# often involves managing shared data among multiple threads. In this article, we&#39;ll delve into what ConcurrentBag&lt;T&gt; is, how it works, and when to use it.
  • Creating Analog Clock in Java9/17/2019 6:35:19 AM. In this article we are going to describe how to make an analog clock using the Graphics class in Java.
  • Syncronization in Multithreading in VB.NET11/10/2012 2:45:17 AM. This article explains about the Synchronization in Multithreading. Threads are a powerful abstraction for allowing parallelized operations: graphical updates can happen while another thread is performing computations, two threads can handle two simultaneous network requests from a single process, and the list goes on.
  • Synchronization in Multi-threaded Applications in VB.NET11/10/2012 1:58:41 AM. This article demonstrates the important concept in multithreading, synchronization. In this article and attached source code, you will learn how to write multi-threaded synchronized applications.
  • Messaging Between Threads using Message Loop in VB.NET11/10/2012 1:53:49 AM. MessageLoopLib is a stripped down version of a complete, threading communication subsystem I’ve written. This implementation is a single thread created in the GUI constructor. I’ve dropped all thread management and have had to change some of the message code to accommodate this.
  • C# Asynchronous, Multi Threaded Development... Digging In. Part II9/30/2012 4:10:07 AM. In this article we'll dig a bit deeper into what is actually happening when we use the asynchronous calls using C#. Just as in my previous article, we'll simulate a long running I/O bound process as if we were fetching records from a database, making a web service call or reading or writing from a file and see how we can write more performant code by letting the main thread continue on and not wait for the results. 
  • Multi-threaded Asynchronous Programming in C#... Getting started.5/15/2012 3:25:10 PM. Trying to build better solutions and growing as a developer has always been fun for me and I’m always looking for ways to build more scalability and robustness in the software I am writing. I had a revelation that I’ve been doing a lot of C# tweaking but not taking advantage of the core performance enhancements cooked right into C# and it all comes down to one thing: Asynchronous multi-threaded programming.
  • When to use lock2/21/2011 2:53:11 PM. The lock keyword in C# provides good control over a multi-threaded application.
  • Bad Practices: Locking on Non-shared Objects in Multi-threaded Applications4/24/2010 3:59:35 AM. In this article we will see one of the bad practices developers always do.
  • C# Asynchronous Multi-Threaded Active Directory User/Group Browser10/1/2007 8:04:42 AM. I was working on a win forms project that queries Active Directory information for user and group information and thought the approach may be of interest to some c-sharpcorner readers as a simple example of a asynchronous multi-threaded win forms application.
  • Multi-threaded Asynchronous Programming in C#... Through The Web Service. Part V8/30/2007 1:26:37 PM. In my last article I discussed a general approach to building an async architecture. In this article we’ll look at extending this basic architecture and incorporating async web services.
  • Multi-threaded Asynchronous Programming in C#... Through The Web Page. Part VI7/26/2007 1:38:15 AM. Async web pages which are primarily used as a server performance enhancement. There are two main methods we will be looking at that are used to execute operations asynchronously from web pages: Page.AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync() and Page.AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync().
  • Multi-threaded Asynchronous Programming in C#... Event-Driven Architecture. Part IV.6/20/2007 2:45:56 PM. This is a continuation of a set of articles on Asynchronous multi-threaded development using C#. In this article we'll cover the basics of building an event-driven architecture which will be a basis for most multi-threaded apps. Also we'll cover async read/write operations on a file.
  • Multi-threaded Asynchronous Programming in C#. Async Database Calls. Part III.6/1/2007 3:32:41 PM. In my last couple articles we looked at basic ways to have long-running i/o bound process be handled by the ThreadPool using the asynchronous programming model. In this article we’ll take a look at coding async calls against SqlServer which really comes in handy in production environments where our database is on another machine.
  • A Simple Multi-threaded TCP/UDP Server and Client V2.1/31/2007 4:07:15 AM. This is the second version of my client/server program. The server and the client can be run on the same machine or on different machines. The following is the brief description of the server and the client programs specifically.
  • Use Thread Local Storage to Pass Thread Specific Data1/31/2006 5:15:09 AM. The specific thread level storage is known as thread local storage or TLS for short. The .NET threading namespace allows .NET developers to use TLS from within their multi-threaded applications to store data that is unique to each thread.
  • Multi-threaded Web Applications - Case I: Search Engine1/31/2006 4:24:41 AM. This article is the first of the series of 4. I will demonstrate the use of threading in web applications by implementing a simply search engine. The following 3 articles in the series will be a Port Scanner, a Reverse DNS and a Web Hammer respectively.
  • Multi-threaded Web Applications - Case II: Port Scanner1/28/2006 6:41:10 AM. This article continues the 4-parts series of Multi-threaded Web Applications. In the first part, I have demonstrated how you can use multi-threading with ASP.NET to make a web based search engine more responsive, and to reduce the time required to compose the result. In this article, I will demonstrate how you can apply the same technique to a web based port scanner.
  • Interlocking Threads1/27/2006 6:14:04 AM. Recently, I was building multi-threaded applications and noticed some intermittent data inconsistency. Soon, I found the culprit was locking mechanism. After doing some research, I gathered the following information and as usual decide to share with you guys.
  • Socket Chat12/27/2005 5:14:00 AM. This is an implementation of a Chat program using sockets. Along with basic chat capability,