Related resources for WCF Contracts
  • WCF - Data Contract - Day 48/14/2019 2:24:24 AM. This article explains about DataContract, DataContractAttribute and DataMemberAttribute. It also explains the properties of DataContractAttribute and DataMemberAttribute.
  • WCF Fault Contracts - Day 28/14/2019 1:43:46 AM. This article explains fault contracts in Windows Communication Foundation. It also explains the difference between faults & exceptions and provides sample code for implementing fault contracts.
  • WCF Introduction and Contracts - Day 18/14/2019 1:34:12 AM. This article demonstrates how to create a WCF service application. This article also covers basic information of all the contracts and a code demonstration.
  • Name Property On WCF Contracts4/25/2016 11:22:10 AM. In this article you will learn about Name property on WCF Contracts.