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  • Automate Dynamics 365 Solution Exports with Azure DevOps YAML6/4/2024 5:01:17 AM. Automating Dynamics 365 multiple solutions export across various environments using Azure DevOps YAML pipelines streamlines deployment. This approach ensures consistent and efficient delivery of solut
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  • The Simplicity of the New Terse Syntax [ Collection Expressions ]6/3/2024 8:08:47 AM. Explore the elegance of the latest terse syntax for collection expressions, offering unparalleled simplicity in programming. Dive into efficient coding techniques, optimized syntax, and enhanced reada
  • Exploring Azure Front Door vs Azure CDN6/3/2024 7:42:30 AM. This article provides an in-depth comparison between Azure Front Door and Azure CDN, two powerful cloud services offered by Microsoft Azure. It explores their features and security aspects, helping yo
  • Export Div Content To PDF Using ITextSharp5/31/2024 11:51:54 AM. This guide demonstrates exporting HTML content within a div to PDF using iTextSharp in an ASP.NET application. Utilize the provided code to seamlessly convert div content to PDF documents, enhancing t
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