How to check the site is a valid hub site and content type in the hub in SharePoint 2010

In this article we will be seeing how to check whether the site is a valid hub site and how to check whether the content type in the hub site is published or not.

Steps Involved:

Using console application:

  • Open visual studio 2010.
  • Create a new console application.
  • Add the following references.

    o Microsoft.SharePoint.dll
    o Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.dll
  • Add the following namespaces.

    o Using Microsoft.SharePoint;
    o Using Microsoft.Sharepoint.Taxonomy.ContentTypeSync;

C# Code snippet:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.ContentTypeSync;

namespace EMM
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://servername:20/"))
                using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
                    SPContentType contentType = web.ContentTypes["_bContentType"];
                    if (ContentTypePublisher.IsContentTypeSharingEnabled(site))
                        Console.WriteLine(site.Url.ToString() + " is a valid hub site");
                        ContentTypePublisher ctPublisher = new ContentTypePublisher(site);
                        if (ctPublisher.IsPublished(contentType))
                            Console.WriteLine(contentType.Name + " is published content type");
                            Console.WriteLine(contentType.Name + " is unpublished content type");
                        Console.WriteLine(site.Url.ToString() + " is not a valid hub site");

Powershell script:

$hubSite=Get-SPSite "http://servername:10/"
write-host $hubSite.Url " is a valid hub site"
$ctPublisher=New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.ContentTypeSync.ContentTypePublisher($hubSite)
write-host $contentType.Name "is published content type"
write-host $contentType.Name "is unpublished content type"
write-host $hubSite.Url " is not a valid hub site"