Globalization in ASP.NET


Globalization is the process of designing and developing applications which can be adapted to different languages. Globalization is the process of designing and developing a software product that function for multiple cultures.

If you want that your website will accessible in several languages in different regions you should globalize it.


Globalization is very efficient functionality that you can give to your website so that it can be adapted to different languages and regions.
A very good example you can see is Google home page. There are different languages options are given below you can select one language and the whole site would adapt for that particular language.

How would you Globalize you website in ASP.NET

Deign your page

Start visual studio 2005, go for a new website name it 'GloblizationEx'. First design your website like a sample I have given below. Take 3 link buttons and a label. Change the text property of label to 'Hello user let's learn Globalization' and change the text property of three link buttons to French, German, Russian.


Now make click event of LinkButton1 by double clicking on it. Go to LinkButton2 property select event tab, select 'LinkButton1_Click' for click event. Repeat this for LinkButton3.

Add resources files

Now you have to add resources file to your website, but first add a New Folder to your website and named it 'resources' for this just go to solution explorer right click on root and select 'New folder' now right click to this resources folder and select 'Add New Item..' option, Add New Item dialog box will appears, select 'Resource File' and named it ''. A message box will appear click 'No' as given below.


Now a screen appears you have to enter Name and value for your resource file.

Enter 'msg' for Name and 'bonjour utilisateur apprenons globlization' for value field. Don't worry, this msg is only French conversion your message that you had given at your home page. Repeat these steps for German and Russian, file name will be '' and '' respectively. You can give value field for German and Russian as 'hallo Benutzer lets lernen globlization' and '@ hallo lernen globlization' respectively. But Name field will be the same 'msg'. Save all. Sample is given below.


Note: You can translate your messages use Google More>>Translate tab.

Generate '.resources' Files

Now you have to generate '.resources' file for this you have to open visual studio command prompt, you can find it at 'visual studio 2005>> Visual studio Tools' menu. As you start visual studio command prompt, cmd screen appears. You have to locate 'resources' folder, like if you are creating your website in C drive with name 'GloblizationEx', you have to locate like 'c:\Globlization\resources' now type command 'resgen' for French resx file. Do it for German and Russian as 'resgen' and 'resgen' respectively.


You can notice that .resources files are added to 'resources' folder.

Use Following Code

You should use following namespaces.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Resources;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;

Now type the following code to click event (LinkButton1_Click) of LinkButton1.

protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string lanName="";
        LinkButton lnkBtn=(LinkButton)sender;

        switch (lnkBtn.ID)
            case "LinkButton1":
                lanName = "fr-FR";
            case "LinkButton2":
                lanName = "de-DE";
            case "LinkButton3":
                lanName = "ru-RU";
        System.Resources.ResourceManager rm = ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager("strings", Server.MapPath("resources") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, null);
        CultureInfo cinfo = new CultureInfo(lanName);
        Label1.Text = rm.GetString("msg", cinfo);


Now just debug your website and click on 'French'/'German'/'Russian' link to change your welcome message.


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