Configure IIS to Host Your Website Without ASP.NET

This article describes how to set up IIS on your PC and then host your website without Visual Studio Installed.

If you want, in a Client's machine if you don't install Visual Studio but want to host your website in it then you can do this. It can be very useful for you.

Step 1. Install IIS on your server machine

Go with this way. Start -> Control Panel -> Add Remove Programs ->Add/Remove Windows Components.

Then click on Window Component Wizard Internet Information Service (IIS).

Internet Information Service

Click the Checkbox for Internet Information Service (IIS) then click the next button and select Browse to XP Installation CD for Required Files. Then install the .Net Framework.

Step 2. Install the .Net framework on your server machine

After IIS installation, install the .Net Framework; which one depends on what you used to develop your website.

.Net Framework

Step 3. After installation set your Website for hosting

After IIS installation, on the C drive the Inetpub folder is created.

Copy and paste your website folder into the wwwroot folder.

Inetpub -> wwwroot -> yourwebsitefolder

Step 4. After pasting your folder is set on the default website

Right-click on My Computer then click the Manage option.

Manage -> Computer Management (Local) -> Internet Information Service -> Website -> Default Web Site.

On right-click Default Web Site Click New -> Virtual Directory.

Virtual Directory

On Virtual Directory Creation Wizard click next then set Alias Name.

After writing the alias name click next and browse your directory on wwwroot folder website . . then set all Access Permission Checked.



After finishing checking the .Net Framework version; right-click for your website properties on the ASP.NET tab. If the version is not selected then choose ASP.Net Version and set it.

Then browse your website.

And in the client machine that you want to run the website in, give the URL with a server IP address.

Enjoy Your Web Project.


I am trying to do something helpful.

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