Michael Leitao

Michael Leitao

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aplication works but once deployed only part of it works

Feb 5 2014 3:28 AM

I created this program that works fine in VS12 and compiles and runs fines. However I created a setup and deployment project for it using the InstallShield wizard. The installation is successfull on my test machine however I can not get my EventHandler working it is a service instance that i parse the events on.

class EventHandler : EventHandlerService.EventHandlerCCServicePortType
public EventHandlerService.handleEventResponse1 handleEvent(EventHandlerService.handleEventRequest eventMsg)
EventHandlerService.handleEventResponse1 resp = new EventHandlerService.handleEventResponse1();
EventHandlerService.handleEventResponse respInfo = new EventHandlerService.handleEventResponse();

resp.handleEventResponse = respInfo;

respInfo.@return = true;
Main instance = Main.getFormInstance();

return (resp);


static public Main getFormInstance()
return (instance);

delegate void setPhoneStatusCB(EventHandlerService.standardEventMsg eventMsg);

public void setPhoneStatus(EventHandlerService.standardEventMsg eventMsg)
if (eventMsg.eventType == EventHandlerService.standardEventMsgEventType.CALL_EVENT)
if (eventMsg.callEvent.objectId == Int64.Parse(Peridot.Properties.Settings.Default.OIGPhoneObjID.ToString()))
Peridot.Properties.Settings.Default.OIGPhoneLastEvent = eventMsg.callEvent.type.ToString();
if (eventMsg.callEvent.callState.ToString().Length > 0)
Peridot.Properties.Settings.Default.OIGPhoneState = eventMsg.callEvent.callState.ToString();

if (eventMsg.callEvent.localCallId.ToString().Length > 0)
Peridot.Properties.Settings.Default.OIGPhoneCallId = eventMsg.callEvent.localCallId.ToString();
writeToLogFile("Getting OIG Phone Call ID EventMsg: " + eventMsg.callEvent.localCallId.ToString(), "SYSTEM");
Peridot.Properties.Settings.Default.OIGPhoneCallId = "";
writeToLogFile("Getting OIG Phone Call ID Failied! EventMsg: " + eventMsg.callEvent.localCallId.ToString(), "SYSTEM");


Seems like setPhoneStatus never gets called and the Instance is never sent, this only happens on the deployed program and not in the development. Any Ideas?