SQL Management Error message

Jul 12 2014 7:04 PM
hello everyone
I m designing a database before using it with VB.
I m at stage of building relationships
I m trying to build a relationship between table  Faculty and table Course.
Following is the  error  message SQL Management is displaying to me 
'faculty' table saved successfully
'Course' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_Course_faculty'.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Course_faculty". The conflict occurred in database "CSE_DEPT", table "dbo.faculty", column 'faculty_id'.
I tried to read it carefully i m unable to understand what is wrong in the faculty table.  Please help
my database has 5 tables ( Course,Faculty,Login, Student,StudentCourse)
i have already build the following relationship between tables Login/ Faculty and between Login/Student tables 
please help 

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