Joins in SQL Server


The process of combining data from more than one table using a single select statement is called joining. Within a relational database, the data will not be stored in a single table. Hence a join is needed when we need to combine data from more than one table.

I have two tables to implement joins, Mas_Employee and Mas_Department.


Joining in SQL Server is classified as follows:

  • Inner Join
  • Outer Join: Left Outer Join, Right Outer Join, Full Outer Join
  • Cross Join
  • Self Join

The basic syntax to implement joins is as in the following:

  1. Select {Column_List}  
  2. From {Main_Table}  
  3. JoinType {Refernce_Table}  
  4. On {Condition}  

It returns only the matching rows from the various tables. By default a join is an Inner Join. In the following example the output (the employee ID 6, 7 Employee details) are not shown, because the DeptId 5, 4 do not exist in the Mas_Department.


Example: Display Employee Details along with department name.
  1. Select E.Name, E.Salary, D.DeptName   
  2. From Mas_Employee E -- E is an alias name for Mas_Employee  
  3. Join Mas_Department D -- D is an alias name for Mas_Department  
  4. On E.DeptId = D.DeptId  


OUTER JOIN: Outer Joins are again divided into the following 3 types.


  1. Left Join or Left Outer Join
  2. Right Join or Right Outer Join
  3. Full Join or Full Outer Join

Left Outer Join

It returns all the matching rows and non-matching rows from the left table. A Left Outer Join can also be called a Left Join.

Left Outer Join


  1. Select E.Name, E.Salary, D.DeptName   
  2. From Mas_Employee E  
  3. Left Join Mas_Department D  
  4. On E.DeptId = D.DeptId  

Right Outer Join

Right Outer Join

It returns all the matching rows and non-matching rows from the right table. A Right Outer Join can also be called a Right Join.

  1. Select E.Name, E.Salary, D.DeptName   
  2. From Mas_Employee E  
  3. Right Join Mas_Department D  
  4. On E.DeptId = D.DeptId  


Full Outer Join

It returns all the matching rows and non-matching rows from both tables. A Full Outer Join can also be called a Full Join.

Full Outer Join

  1. Select E.Name, E.Salary, D.DeptName   
  2. From Mas_Employee E  
  3. Full Join Mas_Department D  
  4. On E.DeptId = D.DeptId  



The join statement without any join condition is called a Cross Join. The result of this Cross Join is called a Cartesian Product. In other words, if Mas_Employee has 9 rows and Mas_Department has 3 rows then generate 9 X 3 = 27 rows in the output.

Example: Display Employee Details by associating every employee with every department.
  1. Select E.Name, E.Salary, D.DeptName   
  2. From Mas_Employee E  
  3. Right Join Mas_Department D  

The join statement that joins a table to itself is called a Self Join.

Example: Display Employee Details along with his/her manager's name.
  1. Select E.ID, E.Name, E.Sal, E.Manager, M.Name  
  2. From Employee E   
  3. Join Employee M   
  4. On E.Manager=M.ID  
Note: A rule to be followed when writing a join statement is the number of join conditions must be one less than the number of tables on which you join.

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