Kerala Chapter

Workshop on Azure Web Apps

Ramees Kerala Chapter

On June 13 & 14, Join Kerala Chapter Meet to learn Azure Web Apps.

Requirement: Optional to bring your laptop and internet card

Time: 09:30 – 03:30

Venue: Eranad Knowledge City Technical Campus, Manjeri, Malappuram

The following topics will be covered in the two days’ workshop

Cloud Computing - Microsoft Azure Introduction- Azure Resource Group – Familiarizing with Portal - Azure Web Apps - PowerShell Basics - Publishing (FTP & VS) - Deployment Slots - Azure Web Jobs - Custom Domain - Adding SSL Certificates -Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS - Application Settings - Auto and Manual Scaling - Traffic Manager

Registration is restricted to the same campus students.


Chapter Leader


Mohammed Ramees is a graduate on Computer Science and Engineering who is much passionate on Microsoft Technologies. Started as a Microsoft Student Partner w ...
