lorraine chan

lorraine chan

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C# Project Problem

Nov 17 2012 8:04 AM

Create a 2-dimensional (3 x 3) integer array which contains 9 random numbers ranged from 0 to 100.  For each number, determine whether the number is a prime number or not. You should define a method to test whether a number is prime or not. A prime number (n) meets the following requirements:

  1. n must be larger than 1.
  2. If n is greater than 1, then start dividing by 2, 3, …, n-1 and check the remainder. If none of remainder equals to 0, then n is a prime number. Otherwise, it is not.

Your programme should:

  1. Print all elements in 3 rows
  2. Print the total number of prime numbers.
  3. Print all location(s) of prime number(s) and their values (if there is any).
Sample Screen Output:
Row 1: 5 / 81 / 45
Row 2: 21 / 27 / 17
Row 3: 31 / 77 / 41
Total Number of Prime Number: 4
Row 1 and Column 1: 5
Row 2 and Column 3: 17
Row 3 and Column 1: 31
Row 3 and Column 3: 41

Answers (2)