Debopriyo Dey

Debopriyo Dey

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Please correct my code (Login Registration)

Oct 4 2017 9:37 AM
I need to return "-1" if username exixts and i need to return 1 if username is new and then insert values into table. This procedure is for Registering UserName and Password For Login --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE debopriyo_savelogindetails ( p_nameofuser debopriyo_logindetailstable.nameofuser%TYPE, p_username debopriyo_logindetailstable.username%TYPE, p_userpassword debopriyo_logindetailstable.userpassword%TYPE ) IS v_count number; v_returncode number; BEGIN select count(t.username) into v_count from debopriyo_logindetailstable t; if(v_count>0) then v_returncode := -1; ELSE v_returncode := 1; INSERT INTO debopriyo_logincredentials (nameofuser, username, userpassword) VALUES (p_nameofuser, p_username, p_userpassword); END IF; RETURN v_returncode; END;

Answers (2)